VB Script Interview Questions
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HOw we can apply web service checkpoint in QTP 9.5? I tried it out with net connection also. But not getting success.


how to add action through AOM in QTP


i need to sort the data using qtp script for this how i need to write a qtp script


Why to add checkpoint in QTP What's the purpose of checkpoints & how to add it

2 5716

How to map test cases with Automation script? Please explain in details.With example Thanks for your co-operation(In Advance)

Google, IBM,

1 6379

I want to count the total no of links present in yahoo home page. The script like Set fileSysObject=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set linksFileName=fileSysObject.opentextfile("D:\samplelinkfile.txt",2,true) Set linkDescObj=description.Create linkDescObj("micclass").value="Link" Set noOfLinks=browser("yahoo").Page("Yahoo!India").ChildObjects(linkDescObj) For i=0 to noOfLinks.count-1 linkName=noOfLinks(i).getROProperty("name") linksFileName.writeline(linkName) Next linksFileName.close Set fileSysObject=nothing But while running the script it is fail (the object not present in the object repository).How to overcome please tell me the detail steps...for QTP9.30

1 3897

Hi this is Vinoth. I need a help on below mentioned question A combobox contains list of items assume as 5 I have to get each items Individually and I have to Export to datatable. Please help me on this. Thanks


what is the object hyrarchy in QTP for a web based application


How to add actions in driver script to run those actions in QTP?


i have to open a notepad having no. of words in dat file by recording in qtp and then find a particular word and display true or false


while using Keyward driven framework in QTPif new requirements are added how to manage it...plz ans



how to display all the links in one page using vb script in qtp.

DST Global Solutions,

1 8655

Hi Friends, I have an issue like the describe below: I'm using QTP and I'm testing on SharePoint. As you knoe, SharePoint has a customize function for user, so that, If I add an object Web Table at the first time, that object was recognized by "index" and "html tag", after that, if someone change the display of web part, the "Index" of my object was changed as well and QTP unable to select that Web Table. Can you guide me how to identify or anyway to keep that Web Table object as unique object? Thanks a lot.



Could Anybody tell me the Script for REVERSE an Interger int reverse(int num) Ex:246 to 642.. Thanks in Advance.


3 4418

Could Anybody Please tell me What is the script for Find 3rd Largest element in the Array without using a SORT function int Find(int arr[], int size); Thanks in Advance..



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Un-Answered Questions { VB Script }

Explain the adodb.stream class?


what is inner join? what is outer join? what is a constraint? tell me about rdbms? tell me about acid properties?


There are 5 web pages.write a script to click the button on 4th web page.


i have a problem with this error(this error related edit and delete button,when i click this button in datagrid..i will get this error)"Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation." this is my code : <%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="false" %> <%@ import Namespace="Sytem.Data" %> <%@ import Namespace="System.Data.OleDB" %>

(Search Based On Staff I.C No) IC.No (XXXXXX-XX-XXXX)   ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> ' runat="server"> Total Leave Taken : Days


What are the environments supported by vbscript language?


How will you reverse a string in vbscript?


Which function is used to perform string comparison?


PLz send me the VB scripts which is having more examples my email id : hareen_11@yahoo.com


regular expression that will recognize a browser as long as its name property starts with mybrowser


Explain the extension .hta?


what do you mean .ota mobile format


Can someone please tell me what poor design in a relational database (not the layout or style) is and how it can be avoided? PLEASE...im desperate.


How will you format a number in percetage format in vbscript?


What are the uses of vb script?


what types of bugs will we find out in banking projects for automation testing?