What does the 'cemt:cics' transactions do?
Define task work area?
We can allocate memory dynamically by using GET MAIN command my question is at what scenario we can't release this memory and reuse this same memory??
what is the difference between a return with transid and xctl? For example program. A is issuing return with transid to program b. Program a. Is isssuing xctl to program b?
What is cics load command?
What is CICS ?
list the sequence of steps used to achieve modiication in skip sequential mode?
define the field with ic in the bms map.
Explain how can you accomplish breakpoint in intertest?
How do you use altindxs in batch, cics programs?
Can you define mdt?
Can a CICS code be a part of a copybook? If so, then what are the outcomes after compilation?
Explain the different ways of initiating transaction in cics?
Define cedf?
Explain the difference between the into and the set option in the exec cics receive map command?