Explain the difference between intra partition tdq and extra partition tdq?
Define communication area?
What will happen if some program tries to process a queue on which an ENQ command has been issued by some other program?
What are the main uses of the transaction in the cics?
Explain the system transid cemt?
What is the comaera (communication area)?
Define task work area?
Explain the difference between a physical bms mapset and a logical bms mapset?
Differentiate between PCT and FCT.
Explain the difference between dfhcommarea and tsq?
What is the kcp in the cics?
Explain the difference between and exec cics xctl and exec cics start command?
What are the types of processes to create a map in cics?
What are the ways fot initiating a transaction?
If we wish to create bms executable, what are the basic steps that the user has to go through?