What is non-conventional programs?
the dfhcommara is used to pass information from one application to another. What are some other ways that this function can be accomplished?
What are the types of important programs that are used in the cics?
Can ESDS files be accessed from CICS?
Code the related portions of cics/cobol-i programs to gain addressability to twa area assigned to a particular task. Assme that the size of twa area is 300bytes. What are the advantages if cobol-ii is used in the place of cobol?
What is the tcp in the cisc?
define the field with ic in the bms map.
Can dynamic calls be used in CICS?
Explain the difference between temporary storage queue (tsq) and transient data quene (tdq)?
What is the meaning of the enq command?
Explain the difference between a package and a plan.
Can you explain dfhmdf bms macro?
Name the command used for terminating a browse operation?
Particular area has been affected in cics screen, what is the process to find?
Explain how do you delete item 3 in a five-item tsq?