Explain the difference between intra partition tdq and extra partition tdq?
Can you explain enq and deq used in cics?
Why do we need integrated cics translator?
Kindly specify the pic clause for the hhmmss type of data fields?
Explain the usage of language in the ppt entry?
What are the types of important programs that are used in the cics?
What does the 'cebr:cics' transactions do?
Can you explain differences between temporary storage queue (tsq) and transient data queue (tdq)?
how do you execute a background cics txn ?
Explain the difference between dfhcommarea and tsq?
Explain the difference between getting the system time with eibtime and asktime command?
Define the term function request shipping?
Explain the difference between and exec cics xctl and exec cics start command?
Highlight the points of differences between XCTL and START?
Explain how do you access storage outside your cics program?