COBOL Interview Questions
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In EBCDIC, how would the number 1234 be stored?


2 9318

What are VS COBOL 11 special features?

1 4399

What are options have been removed in COBOL 11?

1 3207

What is the reference modification.

2 9612

How would the number +1234 be stored if a PIC clause of PICTUREs9(4) comp-3 were used?

6 14009

What is an index for tables?

2 5503

What is a subscript ?

3 6081

What is Alternate Index ? How is it different from regular index ?

2 13869

What is CALL statement in COBOL?

4 15312

When can the USING phrase be included in the call statement ?

2 5826

What does the initialize statement do ?

2 6185

What are the two search techniques ?


2 8964

consider the following piece of code 01 GROSS-PAY 05 BASIC-PAY PIC 9(5) 05 ALLOWENCES PIC 9(3) if BASIC-PAY has a value 1000 and ALLOWENCES has a value of 250,what will be displayed by the statement DISPLAY GROSS-PAY a.1250 b.01000250 c.01250 d.1.250


3 7355

consider two data items 77 W-A PIC 9(3)V99 VALUE 23.75 77 W-B PIC ZZ9V99 VLAUE 123.45 after the statement MOVE W-A TO W-B what will be W-B's value? a.123.75 b.b23.75 (where b indicates space) c.023.75 d.invalid move


5 10584

what is the result of the following? DIVIDE A INTO B GIVING C. a.C=A/B b.the reminder of B/A is stored in C c.C=B/A d.the reminder of A/B is stored in C


3 12614

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

how to convert the recors form vsam file to db2 table tru file aid


What is difference between static and dynamic call in cobol?


What are the rules of the move verb?


What is a report item?


How to remove 2 duplicate records and copy only one using job control language?


What is the difference between structured cobol programming and object alternativelyiented cobol?


Explain the configuration section of a cobol program with examples of syntax.


What are declaratives and what are their uses in cobol?


What is the LINKAGE SECTION used in COBOL?


Discuss about changing dataset name in proc.


What is the Purpose of POINTER Phrase in STRING command in COBOL?


IF I mention stop run in CICS what happens?


Write some characteristics of cobol as means of business language.


How did the release of cobol/370 version 1.3 improve the performance of release 1.1?


how do you reference the variable block file formats from cobol programs