Informatica Interview Questions
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How to load last 10 records of flat file in to the target?


5 23054

how can we calculate fact table size?

1 5525

how i will stop my workflow after 10 errors


2 6054

why we r using presql&postsql in source qualifier?


1 5378

how i will stop my workflow after 10 errors


1 6233

I have source like this 1:2;3. so i want to load the target as 123


4 6181

i have source as Column1 101 a 101 b 101 c so i want to load target as column1 ---> 101 abc


3 4722

what is size of u r database?


followin source like region sales 1 100 2 200 i want the output following format region 1 2 sales 100 200


2 4889

what is the size of ur database(like oracle)


2 5063

what is the size of u r project? and what is the size of source file?


1 5195

what is the size of u r source(like file or table)?



my source is junk data how will u remove that junk data by using unix please any one replay me

Cap Gemini,


how will u get 1 and 3rd and 5th records in table what is the query in oracle please help me

Cap Gemini, IBM,

16 20967

explan ur project architecture?



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Un-Answered Questions { Informatica }

What is an aggregator transformation?


What are the types of data warehouses?


have u done any performance tuning? how u ll do?


I have a mapping loading 100 records and it failed on 20th record. how to recover it without changing anything.(in prod where we don't have any access).. (the session should should start from 21 record)


Enlist the tasks for which source qualifier transformation is used.


How big was your fact table


If I have 10 flat files with same name abc.txt files with different timestamps as source I need to load them in tgt table oracle. in between job execution fails and rows are not loaded into tgt. how can I make them load in that target even if my job fails?


What is the need for an etl tool?


can we override a native sql query within informatica? How do we do it?


define galaxy repository in informatica


In warehouses how many schemas are there?


i had a source containing business,sales,details column and i have to load it to a target but i have some bad records in it , but i have to load 70% of business records and 50% of sales and 95% of details records excluding bad records to achieve this what should be done and what all logic and tx should be used can anyone help? thanks in advance


What is different between the data warehouse and data mart?


How to create a non-reusable instance of reusable transformations?


rank() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid order by case when opt2.dm_market_flg in ('Y', 'U') then 1 else 2 end, lkp.contact_rank) as rank1, case opt2.contact_type when 'Buyer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, ship_to_flg desc , last_order_dt desc) when 'Decision Maker' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc , last_quote_dt desc , mailability_score desc , source_ranking desc) when 'Influencer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) when 'Payer' then row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) --elu 05/28/2013 else row_number() over (partition by opt2.dim_plat_site_id, opt2.dim_site_opt_sid, lkp.contact_rank order by has_name_flg desc, mailability_score desc, source_ranking desc) end rank2 row_number() over (partition by opt3.dim_plat_site_id, opt3.dim_site_opt_sid order by rank1,rank2) as "rank", case when "rank"<= opt3.maximum_value then 'Y' else 'N' end as include_flg