I have 4 columns in a table say, name ,address, salary and city. So based on distinct city names, i need to combine the other data and send it to a flat file. Distinct city names can be 4 or 5 or 6. So it has to dynamically generate flat files(4 or 5 or 6) corresponding to the city names.
2 5095In my sourse i have like ename,gender vasu,male geetha,female ram,male suma.female kesav,male in my output i need male,female vasu,geetha ram,suma kesav
5 7385. Design a mapping, first two phone calls received by a customer must be represented as "Home" , "Office" and the next calls must be concatinated and represented as "Other".Look at the below tables :: Source Definition Customer Phone_Number A 9848403211 A 9812675432 A 9112356788 A 9876503276 B 9567890765 B 9876098567 AND THE TARGET IS Customer Home Office Other A 9848403211 9812675432 9112356788,9876503276 B 9567890765 9876098567 Null
3 6018Work flow failed when it is set to Bulk mode but it was successful when set to normal mode y??(All the connections are fine and exactly correct)?
11 21804In Lookup transformation a sql override should be done and disable the cache how do you do this procedure?
2 7820In Lookup transformation a sql override should be done and disable the cache how do you do this procedure?
1 7371Hi If i had source like unique & duplicate records like 1,1,2,3,3,4 then i want load unique records in one target like 2,4 and i want load duplicate records like 1,1,3,3 then can any body please send me what is th scnario. my mail i shek.inform@gmail.com
6 17787I Have 100 Records in a relational tble and i want to load the record in 3 targets , first records goes to target 1 and second to target 2 and third to target 3 and so on ,what are the tx used in this and what are the logics ,can any one help me ?? Thanks in Advance
6 14226i had a source containing business,sales,details column and i have to load it to a target but i have some bad records in it , but i have to load 70% of business records and 50% of sales and 95% of details records excluding bad records to achieve this what should be done and what all logic and tx should be used can anyone help? thanks in advance
1773There are 3 groups in router transformation in which there are no conditions mentioned, so what happens if I connect these groups to the 3 targets? How many records gets into each target.(suppose if we are getting 10 records from the source)
4 7901Post New Informatica Questions
wf dont have integration severances how you can run?
What is source qualifier transformation in informatica?
What are the types of presistent cache in look up tr.
I have a flat file, want to reverse the contents of the flat file
How many types of sessions are there in informatica.please explain them?
Define mapping and session?
Sequence generator, when you move from develoment to production how will you reset
Briefly explain your complete project(sales) flow, (ie. from source received from client, transformations, then despatch to end user) what are all the process. Kindly give step by step process.
what are factless facts? And in which scenario will you use such kinds of fact tables.
What is the scenario which compels informatica server to reject files?
how many types of dimensions are available in informatica?
Different circumstance which drives informatica server to expel records?
What is meant by pre and post session shell command?
In What Situations we can use MappingParameters ,Mapping Variables AND Session Parameters in REAL TIME.
how to create user defined function (udf) in informatica