Informatica Interview Questions
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What is the status code?

1 8114

What is source qualifier transformation?

1 4446

What are the tasks that source qualifier performs?

1 6247

What is the target load order?

HCL, Informatica,

3 12039

What is the default join that source qualifier provides?


3 12757

What are the basic needs to join two sources in a source qualifier?

4 11466

what is update strategy transformation ?


7 21481

Describe two levels in which update strategy transformation sets?

1 8579

What is the default source option for update stratgey transformation?

1 6582

What is Datadriven?


2 7731

What are the options in the target session of update strategy transsformatioin?

2 9725

What are the types of maping wizards that r to be provided in Informatica?

2 7185

What are the types of maping in Getting Started Wizard?

1 4931

What are the mapings that we use for slowly changing dimension table?

2 9903

What are the different types of Type2 dimension maping?

1 4926

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Un-Answered Questions { Informatica }

can we override a native sql query within informatica? Where do we do it?


Why do we need informatica?


I have a mapping loading 100 records and it failed on 20th record. how to recover it without changing anything.(in prod where we don't have any access).. (the session should should start from 21 record)


What is a filter transformation?


What are pre and post-session shell commands?


in u flatfile some of fact records are missed then u load the diminision records are not if u load diminsion records what about fact table records


Explain the different dimensions.


Differentiate between joiner and lookup transformation?


Some flat files are there, out of these having some duplicate. How do you eliminate duplicate files while loading into targets?


What are the types of lookup transformation?


Design a mapping to load the cumulative sum of salaries of employees into target table?


What is the maplet?


Hi, There is a session in my workflow which is running for a long time, atlast we found the cause is the missing index. My session is running via a stored procedure. Can I create an Index on the table which the stored procedure is using while my session is running? Please suggest. My Informatica version is PC 8.0.6 My Oracle APPS is 11.5.3. Thanks,


What are the transformations that cannot be placed between the sort origin and the joiner transformation so that we do not lose the input sort order?


Mention some types of transformation?