Core Java Interview Questions
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Which is the best way to use for String concatenation in Java?


7 19992

In Serialization, whether you will use Static variables?


3 8700

How do you relate a Interface to a Class? Tell me in Detail?

4 6844

Is java supports multiple inheritance? explain?

BUET, Inforica,

12 17058

which swing component is similar to rich text box in .net/vb

1 4325

Which One is optimal to choose ? Syncronized hash map or Hash table with single thread model? How can a hash map syncronized with out using syncrozed blocks in programm?

Four soft,

3 7963

int a=10,b=20,c=30 a= b+c;b=a+c;c=a+b; System.out.println("The value is"+a+b+c;


17 26880

int a=1; float b=1.0; System.out.println(a==b);

CTS, Honeywell, McAfee,

13 26469

what is difference between abstraction and interface?


8 10741

waht happens when a return type ,even void is specified for a constructor?

11 31871

Describe inheritance as applied to java?

4 10092

what is a package?

11 12144

what is a thread?

IBM, SunGard,

13 18326

class{ ... ... interface myinterface{ ... ... } abstract class{ .. .. } ... .. .. } is this possible to write "Interface and/ or Abstract class inside a class ? if possible whcich one is possible is only interface? is only abstract?

Logica CMG,

2 7370

class A{ m2(){ } } class B extends A{ m2(){ } } class c extends B{ m2(){ } } class my_class extends c{ m2(){ } pulic static void main(){ ...My_class a = new my_class(); super.super.super.m2(); is this is leagal if not find what is the legal procedure in order to call A's version of m2(); }

Logica CMG,

8 18364

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

Explain the difference between abstraction and encapsulation.


Can we override private method?


What are the main uses of this keyword?


What is the purpose of nested class in java?


Can a main method be declared final?


What is the difference between static (class) method and instance method?


What are the rules for variable declaration?


What is treeset and treemap in java?


What is default switch case? Give example.


What is the this keyword?


What is t in generics in java?


What are the types of inner classes (non-static nested class) used in java?


What is an iterator java?


What is the difference between preemptive scheduling and time slicing in java programming?


Explain an algorithm to find depth of a binary tree.