C++ Interview Questions
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1. Wrie a function which returns the most frequent number in a list of integers. Handle the case of more than one number which meets this criterion. public static int[] GetFrequency(int[] list)


1 6301

how much classes are used in c++

5 5888

what are three tenets of object orinted Systems?Why they call like that ? Please answer me. Advance thanks.


2 3858

i want a road rash 3d game code if some one know please help me

1 4710

class CTest { public: void someMethod() { int nCount = 0; cout << "This is some method --> " << nCount; } }; int main() { CTest *pctest; pctest->someMethod(); return 0; } It will executes the someMethod() and displays the value too. how is it possible with our creating memory for the class . i think iam not creating object for the class. Thanks in Advance... Prakash


please help to write the code of chess game in c++??????????


1 5428



1 5336

What is the size of pointer ? Also size of pointer in 64 bit pointer

4 6159

Live example for static function?


1 4063

How do you import payscale data from non SAP to SAP?is it through LSMW or any other way is there?


given the code segment below void main() { cout<<"my no. is"; } question is how can we get the output hai aravind my no. is 99999999999 without editig the main().

2 4563

Why can't we have instance(stack) of a class as a member of the same class like eg.Class A{A obj;} as we can have self refential pointer


#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x) main() { int a,b=3; a=cube(b++); printf("%d %d",a,b); } What should be the value of a and b? My calc a=4 but syst a=6 how pls tell me if you know it?


12 37123

why overriding?

3 7047

Write a program in c++ to read two floating point numbers and find their sum and average.

2 8454

Un-Answered Questions { C++ }

Why is encapsulation used?


Visual Basic 6 All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q1. A. Discuss the various types of variables. B. How to control the file? Q2. A. How the image application? B. Write short notes on trees structures work. Q3. A. How to load and unload child forms. B. When should we use recursive programming Q4. A. Write short notes on "The ole control's shortcut menu" B. How to test the AX stat class Q5. A. How to use advanced data-bound controls. B. Write notes on manipulating the recordset object Q6. A. What is script control? B. How to down load image properties. C. What is meant by building a recordset. PROJECT 2002 All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q1. A. How can we determine performance standards? B. Write note on chaining views. Q2. A. Discuss the working with task in Gantt chart view. B. Explain the creation project schedule. Q3. A. What is understand in resource tracking? B. Write short notes on Caturing Baseline. Q4. A. How to customize workgroup message? B. How to use hyperlink? Q5. A. Explain the installation of project server? B. Discuss the working with to-do lists. Q6. A. Explain the working of templates? B. What is visual basic? C. Write shortnotes on user forms. PROGRAMMING WITH C++ All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q1. A. What is unary operator? List out the different operators involved in the unary operator. B. What is an adjust field format flag? Q2. A. Distinguish between a # include and #define. B. Can a list of string be stored within a two dimensional array? Q3. A. Explain how a pointer to function can be declared in C++? B. List the merits and demerits of declaring a nested class in C++? Q4. A. What are the syntactic rules to be avoid ambiguity in multiple inheritence? B. Explain the operation of overloading of an assignment operator. Q5. A. Explain how the virtual base class is different from the conventional base classes of the opps. B. Explain how an exception handler is defined and invoked in a Program. Q6. A. What is a binary file? List the merits and demerits of the binary file usagein C++. B. Write short notes on Text Manipulation Routines. C. Write bites in Turbo c++ Header ("Include") Files. Java All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q1. A. Write note on "The class path Environment Variable". B. Which are different kinds of source code? Q2. A. How to create an interface? B. Why convert an applet to an application? Q3. A. How to use Media tracker Class. B. How to use string tokenizer class. Q4. A. Explain the overview of UDP messaging. B. Difference between SQL Exception class and SQL Warning class. Q5. A. How to create com object in Java? B. Write short notes on "The properties class" Q6. A. When object is created and destroyed? B. Explain the JDB in depth & command line. C. Write short notes on Web Sites. MULTIMEDIA All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q.1 Write a C language program to perform CCITT group 3 compression. If possible, scan some images and use your program to compress the images. What kind of compression did you achieve? Q2. How does a magneto-optical technology differ from WORM technology? Explain the differences in the manner in which you would use them for a multimedia system. Q3. What network considerations would you contemplate in designing an enterprise-wide multimedia system which supports fully distributed integrated messaging, sharing of corporate multimedia information databases, and custom business process applications? Q4. Explain the difference between the various types of multimedia object servers. How would you set up hierarchical storage for a large distributed organization? Q5. Explain the role of each type of server required in a multimedia system and the type of storage media that should be used for it. Q6. How do your decisions affect the design? Would different decisions on network technologies and object server technologies result in a different solution? OPERATING SYSTEM All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q1. What is an interrupt? How are multiple interrupts dealt with? Q2. Explain the difference between a MONOLITHIC KERNAL and a MICROKERNAL? Q3. List reasons why a Mode switch between threads may be cheaper than a Mode switch between processes. Q4. What is the difference among deadlock avoidance, detection and prevention? Q5. What items of information about a task might be useful in real time scheduling? Q6. Discuss some of the reasons for implementing process migration ? How is the process address space handled during process migration? WEB APPLICATIONS All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks. Q1. Explain Java script in Web pages? Q2. Explain the advantages of Java script. Q3. Write the Properties of HTML object. Q4. How a JavaScript enabled browser handles the document object? Q5. What are cookies? Q6. Explain the process of controlling the Program flow in Pearl.


Why is object oriented programming so hard?


Which header file allows file i/o with streams a) fileio.h b) iostream.h c) fstream.h


Write a program which uses Command Line Arguments


C++ supports multiple inheritance. What is the “diamond problem” that can occur with multiple inheritance? Give an example.


What is encapsulation and abstraction? How are they implemented in C++?


What is oops in c++?


What is encapsulation in ict?


Can a destructor be called directly?


Why main function is special in c++?


What problems might the following macro bring to the application?


Why we use #include iostream in c++?


Are there any special rules about inlining?


What are signs of manipulation?