Everything Else AllOther Interview Questions
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Hi, I like to learn Linux from scratch, i have 3 years of experience as Technical Support Representative in call centers. Will i be able to opt for Linux Administrator Job?


How we can attract the person who are taking the interviewes?

1 3107

who is thing that arrounding the graveyard


did anyone attended java 2+ exp interview in dec-2010?


I am a service provider under the category of Custom House Agent. During the course of service I have to make some payments against specific shipments in account of client; the bills by other service providers port authority are raised against and in the name of the client whereas in some case(s) i have make payment as a facilitator on behalf of the client. Do I have to deduct tds on such payments which in fact are not my expediture as such payments are re- imbursed by the client.

2 4695

i am selected for sbi bank po as well assistant central intelligence officer grade 2 executive in intelligence bureau. which one i should join and why?

2 9608

If I dont feign to have a disability, whether it be mental or physical, to get state money, or money from S.S.I but let the people who really need the money have it instead, such as children and severly disabled people. But choose to activley look every day for employment, but do not find employment and end up living on the streets because I can no longer pay my rent, at what point does it NOT become my fault? Is there a time when I should simply follow the rest of the people over the cliff?

1 3079

Wich is the best study centare for sap fico module in hydarabad? .......urget. Plzz give me u r opinion...


Best books for bank po examination


frnds it took 7trs for me to complete my btech [ece] due to some financial problms...am i eligible to do masters in foreign trade pls advice me...


How many marks (IELTS) do I need to join the nursing degree course or diploma course at the UC in Australia, Canberra?


how to decrease the rate of material?

Logwell Forge,


which type of questions r asked in icici po interview?



what is the intention of Central excise act for making diff betn production and manufacture?



What happens when centrifugal pump is operated with closed discharge valves?


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Un-Answered Questions { Everything Else AllOther }

what is the basic income that one needs to be approved for or considered qualifying to support you alien wife? this is my only concern at the moment as i have read prior testimonies for people on ssi


how can you identified yourself?


Best books for bank po examination


mention some of the major contribution made by you in present & previous jobs- Sales Representative


Do IT ians welcome ECE students to software field?


Role of a Hr in a company


what is the pharmacopoeial apllication of column, paper , thin layer chomatography?


I have an interview with capital iq for the post of research associates. Can anyone please help me with the type of questions that they can ask? Please, it's urgent. Thank you.


We are a manufacturing organisation , the product produced are batch detemined ( every day we have a different Batch No day wise). Part of the finished product produced is taken by another department to manufacture thier final product . We transfer material from one storage location to another and have activtaed the back flush indicator for manufacturing the finished product of department 2. The transfer of the product from dept 1 to dept 2 is of different batches . will the system do automatic back flushing for the final product of dept 2. If yes please let me know.


Out of the original and duplicate copy of form "C" received from the customer on interstate sale - which copy is to be submitted to the department ?


why do you concider yourself suitable for this post?


Is there any institution for giving graduate degree in one year?


who is the first blind man riding to the mount everest.




tricks to handle the customer or client in sap, specifically when he is negative for particular business requirement