Could Anybody tell me the Script for REVERSE an Interger int reverse(int num) Ex:246 to 642.. Thanks in Advance.
3 4640Could Anybody Please tell me What is the script for Find 3rd Largest element in the Array without using a SORT function int Find(int arr[], int size); Thanks in Advance..
2104Could Anybody tell me the VBscript for REVERSE an Integer int reverse(int num) Ex:246 to 642
7 21078Could Anybody tell me VBScript for Check if a given number is Prime number-Don't use any Built- in Functions Boolean/int is Prime(int number).. Thanks in advance.
12 44370Hi, Anybody could you Please tell me How to write the script for Checking whether given number is Prime Number or not..Thanks in Advance
6 8013Hi, Anybody could tell me What is the script for Reverse of Given number. Ex:236--632. Thanks in Advance..
10 11988Post New Amazon VB Script Interview Questions
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Hi Friends, I have an issue like the describe below: I'm using QTP and I'm testing on SharePoint. As you knoe, SharePoint has a customize function for user, so that, If I add an object Web Table at the first time, that object was recognized by "index" and "html tag", after that, if someone change the display of web part, the "Index" of my object was changed as well and QTP unable to select that Web Table. Can you guide me how to identify or anyway to keep that Web Table object as unique object? Thanks a lot.
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