how to calculate the steel for rcc slab? plz tell me the formula for calculating the steel?
36 401911how much quantity of cement and sand required for construction of 10 cum brick work( Brick size 3"*4"*9"(Standard size ) an d for 10 cum construction of SSM (Size stone masonary) with Cm 1:6 for both.
11 153970Post New Techno Electric and Engineering Interview Questions
What is the specific heat value for liquid ?
Explain the process for starting a kafka server?
Differentiate between jsp scriptlet tag and declaration tag.
What is s token?
what is access number in access sequence how do we define that ?
features of hbc fuses
Explain why do organisms live in certain places?
What type of code is java?
Is javascript default scripting language?
We get a lot of irate and angry customers. How do plan to deal with them?
What is the purpose of the enableevents() method in java programming?
How to split a string into a list?
What is the difference between amount /quantity number type key figures?
Explain how to implement delegates in
Explain the functionality of object-inspector.