1. What is the main differences between GE Mark IV and Mark V Turbine Control System? 2. what is the main differences between GE Mark V and Mark VI?
2 13748Need Intergraph softwares like SPI(INTOOLS),sp3d,PV ELITE, SP P&ID. CONTACT : logu.2211@gmail.com (8867825756)
1825Post New GE Instrumentation Interview Questions
What is the command used to check locks in microsoft sql server?
What is the purpose of xssffont class in apache poi?
if threshhold limit is crossed then tds is deducted on which amount ? Aggregate or exceeding threshold limit?
Describe the 3 object explorer (oe) tabs?
What we use buffer class in node.js?
What do you mean by ide?
What is command object in c#?
What are the different components that are available in kafka?
What is iqueryable in linq?
What does this do? Gacutil /l | find /i "corillian"
Mention what is the difference between selenium and sikuli?
Mention the test steps of qtp.
You have a file employee.txt in the hdfs directory with 100 records. You want to see only the first 10 records from the employee.txt file. How will you do this?
What is the SAS data set?
Can we have any service for ngfor and ngif in angular?