Please tell me how to discuss about the salary in the hr interview. My current ctc is 3.32l and my expectation is 6.0 L. If they negotiate i can come up to 5.5l. How i can handle the situation. Please answer.
2534Post New GE HR Questions Interview Questions
Explain what are all the technical steps involved when the data transmission from server via router?
How can you make magento more secure for client.
Where is view state stored?
How do you communicate with patients and their families to provide information, alleviate concerns, and address questions about anesthesia?
Define surge tank.
What are the different data centers deployed for cloud computing?
what has been your most common programming mistake? : Sas programming
Can I use javascript on jsp page?
what is Composite query?
What is the rattle package in r?
in the classification of organisms, four of the 5 kingdoms are animalia, plantae, fungi, and protista. What is the fifth?
How does the aosp relate to the android compatibility program?
What is a production rule set ?
How do we call javascript from flex actionscript? : adobe flex action script
Describe dependency parsing?