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Ericsson Interview Questions
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Difference between Class and Struct.

13 37885

what is integration,optimization of gsm corenetwork in practice?


what is the use of combiner in gsm phones

7 11161

how can we increase back up of 300ah battery.can we connects one more 300ah parallel or series?

3 7321

What is the GSM fundamental?

7 16350

Waht is polarization,explain verical and horizantal?

6 9883

what is VSWR?

3 15753

What is the ruturn loss?

4 7614

3.Which type of fading cause serious distortion of modulated signal a)selective fading b)interference fading c)absorption fading d)polarization fading

7 17685

Hi dears, i work with E// switches since a bit time,i faces a problem with AFFILE output,when i get the out put (with Hex code) and i try to convert it to ASCII code it gives me the correct values but the data is not arrange correctly,there is some tabs,spaces and by result the data is shifted is there any advice for this case thanks & regards


can u explain call flow for roaming mobile to roaming mobile?(both users are belongs to same state but staying on roaming in different states)

4 40253

Telecom BSS related ques: For cascaded 1800 BTS with master 900 BTS,if 900 master BTS is down for its own equipment fault,cascaded slave 1800 BTS gets down/stop carrying traffic without any fault as BCCH and other controllong channels are in master 900 BTS.Is there any technology/system to turn the slave 1800 BTS to a single 1800 BTS autometcally when 900 master BTS is down for its own equipment fault???It is possible to make the slave 1800 BTS single live BTS manually.But I want to know the autometic system/process.if there is any....if not available, how can we generate the system??

3 15498

what is call procedure?

3 5843

what is the features of GSM Technology and CDMA technology

4 11487

if the supply voltage increased by N times, the x-section of conductor will be.........

2 5648

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Do you know what are the optional statements that can be used inside a block in python?


In order management, how to reserve an item without booking?


What is the shortcut to hide entire row?


What are the important tags of hibernate.cfg.xml?


Explain teradata architecture in detail with a diagram.


Explain the Use of ammonal?


What is aidl in Android?


Explain why we need biasing for transistor, fet and mosfet?


What is the use of typescript in angular2?


How is a server different from a pc?


What is break mode? What are the options to step through code?


How much cement will require for 1Rmt Skirting laying


Tell me how to hide directory browsing in wordpress from server using .htaccess file?


How to save in word with keyboard?


Explain continuous integration.