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Ericsson Core Java Interview Questions
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what is webservices?

1 6213

What is the diff. b/w Interfaces & Abstract class?

6 8745

Which of these methods belong to Thread & Object class? join, yield, sleep, wait, notify

3 8986

Can we instantiate Interfaces?

7 13534

What do you mean by the term transient?

5 9299

What are the two ways you can synchronize a block of code?

5 12405

Package1 and Package2 both have a method name lets say "methodA" with different implementation. When I import both the packages in a java class how can I use both the methods?

7 9407

Why Static variable required in java?For ex,class A { static int a; int b; } Why static is required?

5 7313

Why method overloading and method overriding required in java?

1 4298

In collection sorting comparable and comparator interface will be used..but why this two interfaces required..two will work same purpose so why there are two interfaces instead of one?when to use comparator and when to use comparable?

1 4228

What do you mean by JVM?


What is nested loop? What is dangling else condition in it?


Give me an example of array and linked list? Where they can be used?


Post New Ericsson Core Java Interview Questions

Ericsson Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

When was National Green Tribunal (NGT) constituted?


Since sap apo is a separate system, is it required to maintain the master data twice?


What is the usage of the distinct keyword?


Explain the types of pipeline stocks in sap mm


What is kurtosis?


What are info-objects?


i = 25;switch (i) {case 25: printf("The value is 25 ");case 30: printf("The value is 30 "); When the above statements are executed the output will be : a) The value is 25 b) The value is 30 c) The value is 25 The value is 30 d) none


What is the closures in groovy?


Define hadoop archives? What is the command for archiving a group of files in hdfs.


Is java a high level language?


What do you mean by unix operating system?


send me all current year taxation such that rates and exemptions or on which web site i have to prefer


Explain about localization?


Is tomcat free for commercial use?


Are You A Reliable Person With Strong Work Ethics?