. The Ex-Officio Chairman of the Planning Commission of India is : (1) The President (2) The Planning Minister (3) The Prime Minister (4) None
6 22590Post New Ericsson APPSC AllOther Interview Questions
Explain what is test fragment?
What is the use of ftp/sftp command?
You are a project manager for Uncle Sam's Flag Company. Your company has designed a new line of products featuring the American flag. Due to some unique circumstances, the products are in hot demand and the project sponsor has asked you to do whatever it takes to get this project completed early and make the products available. You are to add resources to the project. The sponsor agrees to pay the additional costs since time is now a critical factor. Which technique have you used? A. Crashing B. Resource leveling C. Fast tracking D. Resource loading
How can try and catch block can be implemented using web methods developer?
To check TCP/IP configurations and IP connectivity, what are the two command line utilities that can be used?
What do you mean by scala map?
Php being an open source is there any support available to it?
what are the 'mysql' command line arguments? : Sql dba
I got i20 for university of bridgeport,university of new heaven and eastern michigan university.Please tell me visa success rate for these universities.And I want to go to Connecticut.At that place two universities are avaliable one is new heaven and the another one is bridgeport.Which is the best? Please give reply as early as possible.
How seriving & testing of the HT & LT breakers are done. What are the standard Ir values on which we can come to know the test is passed or failed?
Which template engine is supported by express js?
How does the if function work in excel?
Why do we use symbolic strings in siebel 77?
how pt is using
what is the common earth