i am B.Pharm Graduate preparing for Drug Inspector exam 2009.i would like to get some model question papers,no problem if it going to be from other state also.plz send to my email id krispeele@yahoo.co.in thanks, priya
11 18448Post New Emcure Interview Questions
What is meant by inheritance?
Please explain couchdb vs mongodb?
How do you use shortcut keys in powerpoint?
What are different types of sql?
What is max weber theory?
Explain the difference between vb and vb.net?
how to Restore items in the Recycle Bin sharepoint ?
How Facebook Uses Hadoop, Hive and Hbase ?
How do you calculate the actual power consumption of an inductive load appliance. Say, a deep freezer of 200watts
Do you know anyone who works with Meijer?
Is outlook included in windows 10?
Which sorting algorithm uses minimum number of swaps?
How to display all the prime numbers between 1 and n (n is the number, get the input from user)
What is data structure and its types?
what is dbcc? : Sql server database administration