What is abstract class php?
What is the difference between nationalised bank and private bank?
Write a command that will find all text files in a directory such that it does not contain the word "amazing" in any form (that is, it must include the words amazing, amazing, or amazing)?
What is cleavage?
What are the limitations for memory allocation for SAS variables
What is the character limit of custom label? : salesforce crm
What is a windows process in .net?
How do I create a hanging indent in word?
How you will do Mass Insert through trigger?
What is url helper?
What is the value returned by a method when it executes successfully?
Explain resistance?
I have clustered servers, and they all have daos enabled. Can I share a single daos repository between clustermates?
Jdbc-odbc bridge is multi-threaded or not?
how to delete four out of five duplicate records in a table using sql