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Bosch C Interview Questions
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How do I access command-line arguments?

2 8492

What is the Difference between Macro and ordinary definition?

3 24908

what is the use of call back function in c?tell me with example

2 17887

write a program to swap bits in a character and return the value prototype of function char fun (char a, charb flag c) where fun returns a char, char a is a the value char b is the bit to be changed and flag c is the bit value for eg: x=fun(45,7,0) since 45 is 0010 0101 and ow x should contain the value 65 (0110 0101)

1 6613

What is difference between the following 2 lines…. int temp = (int)(0x00); int temp = (0x00int);

3 7098

print ur name without using any semicolon in c/c++....

21 28830

Difference Between embedded software and soft ware?

1 9515

explain about storage of union elements.

2 6116

write a c program to change only the 3rd bit of the particular number such that other bits are not affected.. if bitnum=10(say.. it can be any no..

10 28609

Find greatest of two numbers using macro

4 35530

Q. where is the below variables stored ? - volatile, static, register

3 12578

Is the below things valid & where it will be stored in memory layout ? static const volatile int i; register struct { } ; static register;

2 4590

what are the stages of compilation

1 5852

Write the test cases for checking a variable having value in range -10.0 to +10.0?


find the size of structure without using the size of function

1 3441

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Bosch C Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain subcontracting cycle


Explain how cookies work.


List the benefits of using an expression language?


what how do you initialize a vsam file before any operation? A vsam with alternate index?


Sql studio em braces a variety of capabilities, but will I need them all? Is there a simpler product ? : sql server management studio


What is array define its types?


Is c# an open source language?


Why is chromium molybdenum steels used to build pressure vessels?


Where is the mongodb data stored?


How do you reverse a string in java?


What are wordpress filters?


How to using looping through a collection for each item in angular js?


What is ejb container provider?


What is the difference between $_files['userfile']['name'] and $_files['userfile']['tmp_name']?


Which methodologies are you familiar with ?