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Bosch Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What kinds of testing have you done?

11 29517

How u can do regration testing/retesting testing, after assign bug to devloper, how to manage the test cycle number and built number, plz tell me....

6 11827

how to do manual testing on an application which is in several languages

1 3275

How and when a build can be assigned to a Tester and who do this responsibility? Is there any tool is used for performing this process?Generally what is the flow of "Build assignment"?

3 6384

Build with fixes has been deployed on QA environment if asked by your manager to reproduce how can you reproduce the issues? (by using the previous build) Can you access the previous build? If so ,what are the tools or how can you access?


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Bosch Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is return code?


Why is manhattan distance not used in knn machine learning algorithm to calculate the distance between nearest neighbors?


What is a junk dimension? What is the difference between junk dimension and degenerated dimension?


Hi i am riyaz ahmed . i got rejected for first time and i nedd to apply for next time and can i apply in 1 or 2 week . and wt abt my sevies fee ? i should make a new once shill i go with the same and wt docement i should change can u plz help me out and my mail it is


What is the processes to author the service contract?


How to remove leading and trailing spaces from user input values?


What do you think you will dislike most about being a dental assistant?


what is the ? Is it necessary to use in html5


What is meant by the term Relative Density?


Describe loops in scala?


Is c++ slower than c?


Which search algorithm will use a limited amount of memory in online search?


What is the Java implementation of Python popularly known as?


Tell me why bjt is called current control device?


What are the advantages of selecetion sort?