How u can do regration testing/retesting testing, after assign bug to devloper, how to manage the test cycle number and built number, plz tell me....
6 12200How and when a build can be assigned to a Tester and who do this responsibility? Is there any tool is used for performing this process?Generally what is the flow of "Build assignment"?
3 6541Build with fixes has been deployed on QA environment if asked by your manager to reproduce how can you reproduce the issues? (by using the previous build) Can you access the previous build? If so ,what are the tools or how can you access?
1593Post New Bosch Manual Testing Interview Questions
what are database files and filegroups? : Sql server database administration
What do you mean by constant time complexity?
Explain the unit testing?
Suppose you want to implement the one-to-many relationships while designing tables. How would you do it?
Where do we use semi and non additive facts?
What are impala built-in functions?
What are the steps involved in quality control for exports.
What is the key difference between private sector banks and the government sector banks?
How do you start up a computer?
what is compression ratio? why its decreased when gear shifted ?
Explain global assembly cache.
oltc of a transformer, how it works? and what are the equipment consist of describe briefly?
What does sizeof return c?
What are the return types in c#?
How to rename a table?