Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / surendrareddy

abstract clas have both abstract methods and Concrete methods.
but interface have only abstract methods,
And also abstract class have construtor,but interface
doesn't have.

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / guest

abstract classes can have other concrete methods but
inteface only abstract methods.

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / manish sharma

Abstract classes Interfaces

Abstract classes are used only when there is a “is-a” type
of relationship between the classes. Interfaces can be
implemented by classes that are not related to one another.
You cannot extend more than one abstract class. You can
implement more than one interface.

Abstract class can implemented some methods also.
Interfaces can not implement methods.
With abstract classes, you are grabbing away each class’s
individuality. With Interfaces, you are merely extending
each class’s functionality.

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / your friend

abstract classes can have any type of medthods but
interface allows only abtract methods.
Interface is like a class not a class .

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / venkateswarlu dhaninkula

Interfaces consists of pure abstract methods
but not abstract class

abstract class having both abstract methods and non
abstract methods

interfaces declare all variables are final and public

but not abstract class

abstract class has a default constructor

but not interface

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / megha mokawat

Abstract class can have non-final variable aslo
but in interface variable are final by- default

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / narasimha raju

An abstract classes can have concrete methods and declares
abstract method which method can implement in different
ways. whereas in interface all are abstract methods.
in abstract class we can declare any type of variable
but in interface all are final variables.

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / krishna

In Abstract class should implementation methods information
with complete i.e Programmer duty .

But in Interfaces we can give implementations to End-User .

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Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java..

Answer / riyadh


Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 11 No

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