why Java is not purely object oriented?

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / anonymous

this almost timewaste question being asked by NoWork
interviewers.There is no exact answer forthis, up to now.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / paindriven

It isn't a pure OO language because you can use static members.

Eiffel is an example of a true pure OO language.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / swe

Java is a OOP language and it is not a pure Object Based Programming Language
Many languages are Object Oriented. There are seven qualities to be satisfied for a programming language to be pure Object Oriented. They are:
Encapsulation/Data Hiding
All predifined types are objects
All operations are performed by sending messages to objects
All user defined types are objects.
JAVA is not because it supports Primitive datatype such as int, byte, long... etc, to be used, which are not objects.
Contrast with a pure OOP language like Smalltalk, where there are no primitive types, and boolean, int and methods are all objects.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / raj

java is not purely OO b'coz we can use primitive data types
int ,char etc in java.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / banti sharma

Yes Surendra Reddy is absolutely right Java is purely oops
because we cant write any Program in Java without declaring
a class.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / shashi pratap singh

java is nt purely object oriented,it is a pacakge-centric
language.In java we use primitive data type like int and
char in it and we can nt use multiple inheritence in
java.so it is nt purely object oriented.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / shanu zabeen

java is not purely Object Oriented bcoz java is both
compiled and interpreted.
as we knoe c is a compiled language(structured language
,procedural language)
where as java is compiled and interpreted.
therefore we can say that java is object oriented but not
purely object oriented.

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / reddy

yes,this is d true, the java not purely oops,but it is a
truley object oriented programming language

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why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / surendrareddy

java is pure oop no doubt at all.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 12 No

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