what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?

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what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?..

Answer / rohit kumar

Platform independent means the Bytecode generated by javac
can b used to run on any different machine i.e Bytecode is
independent of Operating system .For example if u hav
written n compiled a java prog on Win Xp then u can run the
bytecode on any other os havin jvm like linux,macintosh
that's wat u called platform independence

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what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?..

Answer / priya

Because after compiling java programs, it creates .class
file.We can only copy this file to other machine so that
program can be executed.So java is called platform

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 8 No

what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?..

Answer / ramesh

the byte code which is generated after compilation can run
on any proceesor.thats why it is platform independent.

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 2 No

what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?..

Answer / kanchan

java is platform independant becouse "write once and run
everywhere" feature is used in java.

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what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?..

Answer / divyanshi shrivastava

Its a platform independent , have file can be run under any os nd everywhere .which has JVM hence .hence its platform inde. But JVM is platform dependent..

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what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?..

Answer / durgaprasad

java is platform indepedent because,the file created after compilation ie..EXE file can be run under any OS, which has JVM (java virtual machine)hence java is platform independent, but JVM is platform Dependent.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 7 No

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