Why Java is not purely object oriented?

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Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / swetcha

Although Java is object-oriented to a great extent, it is
not a pure object-oriented language. One of the reasons
Java is not purely object-oriented is that not everything
in it is an object. For example, Java allows you to declare
variables of primitive types (int, float, boolean, etc.)
that aren't objects. And Java has static fields and
methods, which are independent and separate from objects

Is This Answer Correct ?    369 Yes 48 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / subhashree

Yes ,java is not purely object oriented ,Only for the
primitive data type and for multiple inheritance

Is This Answer Correct ?    132 Yes 44 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / pravin

yes,i have read in complete reference
because of datatype and static concept

Is This Answer Correct ?    75 Yes 10 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / devarathnam

Hi... Java is not 100% object oriented ,because JAVA
doesnot support multiple inheritance directly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    74 Yes 31 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / muthusenthil

yes, java is not purely object oriented because it uses
static keyword. this is the one and only reason.we can
perform a function declared as static without an object
this violates real world reflection and object orientation

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 33 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / abhi

Java is an OOP language but not a pure Object Oriented
Programming Language.

There are six qualities to make a programming language to
be pure Object Oriented. They are:

i)Encapsulation/Data Hiding
iv)All predifined types are objects
v)All operations are performed by sending messages to
and vi)All user defined types are objects.

Primitive data types, such as int, char, boolean are not
Objects,which are used by Java.It's why Java is not a "pure
object oriented programming language".

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 2 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / anjali purwar

Yes, JAVA is not purrely Object oriented because of the use
of primitive data types like char, int,bool,etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 3 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / ramakrishna y

Java is not purely object oriented becoz of 2 reasons.

1. Purely means every thing should be refferenced types
But it contains primitive datatypes.

2. purely object oriented means every method should be
invoked with object only,main is there which can be invoked
using static keyword.

J2EE Trainer

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Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / rahul

Java is not a puerly object oriented language because
1) There is no concept called pass by reference in java
(primitive types are passed by value and objects references
are passed by value in java)
2) The concept of pointers is not used in java
3) we cannot implement multiple inheritance in java using
only classes and not an interface.

Is This Answer Correct ?    17 Yes 12 No

Why Java is not purely object oriented?..

Answer / hitesh singh

It is true Java is not purely object-oriented programmig
language because everything is not
in an object. e.g: Java allows you to declare variables of
primitive types i.e int, float, boolean, etc. that aren't
objects. And Java has static keyword which allow user to
create static methods and variables, which are independent
and separate from objects.we cannot implement multiple
inheritance in java using classes and if we want to perform
multiple inheritance in java program so that we have to go
for inferface scenario.In java, there is only way to
implement mutiple inheritance in java.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

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