What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

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What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?..

Answer / pankajbisane

Runtime polymorphisms means the code is called at run time
according to need or given conditions.

suppose there r two methods namely Add() one in super class
and other is in sub class.both have the same name and same

so we have to choose that which method from them should
called at run time i.e. of super class or of sub class.

It can be achieved through the use of virtual functions.

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What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?..

Answer / swe

In runtime polymorphism ... the code is called at run time according to need or given conditions.

suppose there r two methods namely Add() one in super class and other is in sub class.both have the same name and same parameters.

so we have to choose that which method from them shld called at run time i.e. of super class or of sub class.by polymorphism we do that.


class A


int add(){//code of the method}

//some other code


class B extends A


int add(){//code of the method}

//some other code


class AB


public static void main(String s[])


A ob1;

ob1 new A();

int i ob1.add();//will call the method of super class.

ob1 new B();// sub class's reference can be assigned to super class address but not vice versa.to do that we have to type cast the reference of the sub class in reference of the super class.

int j ob1.add();//will call the method of sub class


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