void main()
int i=1;
Cau u say the output....?

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void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / saurabh mehra

3 3 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    145 Yes 50 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / arnob kumar pal

Yes, but before giving the answer I wanna discuss the question.
In printf() function compiler calculates the values from
right to left (i.e. at first calculates the vale of i++,
then ++i and at last i)but prints the values from left to right.
So compiler at first calculates the value of i++, here i=1
so the value is printed 1 for i++, in the post increment the
value of i becomes 2, but in the pre increment which is ++i,
the value becomes 3, so the value is printed 3 for ++i, now
the value of i is 3, for this reason the value is printed
again 3 for i. But as I said before printf() function prints
from left to right
so the output will be 3 3 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    90 Yes 16 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / vignesh1988i

sorry for not explaining it.

this is due to a concept of STACK which is a DATA STRUCTURE.

take the statement : printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++);

this list of variables will be getting stored in the stack. like the way shown:
since the operation of the stack is LIFO(last in first out)
the process will be done as said as LIFO but while retriving the data it will be printing according to the printf statement so only the output 3 3 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    48 Yes 14 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / vignesh1988i

the output will be 3 3 1.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 8 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / ravi


Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 6 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / tommy tom


Since printf can't know how many operands will be passed in, and since it was made during a time of limited computing resources, the operands are pushed onto a stack, and evaluated after being popped off, thus they are evaluated in LIFO order, or right to left.

i++ is printed as 1, then incremented.
++i is incremented then printed as 3
i = 3.

Reassembling in the order as passed into the function then, 331

There are no spaces or line returns in the format string either, so after the run, the terminal prompt will be tacked directly onto the end of the program's output.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 4 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / bala

ans is 3 3 1 and am damn sure

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 2 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / manikanta


Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / govind bhone

3 3 1

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

void main() { int i=1; printf("%d%d%d",i,++i,i++); } Cau u say the output....?..

Answer / adad

printf ("a++=%d ++a=%d
", a++,++a);
printf ("++b=%d b++=%d
", ++b,b++);

What about this?

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

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