I can not get my C++ program to work right. It is supposed
to tell if a word is a palindrome or not, but it only tells
thet the word is not a palindrome. And I can't fix it.

I can not get my C++ program to work right. It is supposed to tell if a word is a palindrome or not..

Answer / sam

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int pali (char word[30]);
int main () {

char word[30];
char ans[5];
int answer;

cout << "Please enter a word (in all lowercase letters)"
<< endl;

answer = pali(word);
if (answer == 1){
strcpy(ans,"not a");
cout << " The word you entered was " << ans << "
palidrome" << endl;


int pali(char word[30]) {

char flip[30];
int length;
length = strlen(word);

for (int w = length-1, f = 0 ; w > -1; w--, f++) {
flip[f] = word[w];
if (word == flip) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;

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