what is the zieglar natta catalyst

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what is the zieglar natta catalyst..

Answer / winshiv

Ticl4 and triethyl aluminium. this is used in the
polymerisation of alkenes

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what is the zieglar natta catalyst..

Answer / alagendran

Ziegler-Natta catalyst is a reagent or a mixture of
reagents used in the production of polymers of 1-alkenes.
Ziegler-Natta catalysts are typically based on titanium
compounds and organometallic aluminium compounds, for
example triethylaluminium, (C2H5)3Al

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what is the zieglar natta catalyst..

Answer / bharath

Ticl4 & AlR3

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what is the zieglar natta catalyst..

Answer / sridhar

Ticl4&AalR3 are combined to form "alkyl -titanium "complex
by exchange of Cl&alkyl groups from each other
respectively.the formula for "alkyl titanium" complex
is"Ticl3-R".this is used to polymerisation of alkenes

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