what is difference between array and structure?

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / kirankumar

Array takes data types of same kind where as structure takes
any kind.
Ex:int n[5];/* one d array
int n[10][10];/* two d array
int n[10][10][10];/* multi d array or jagged array
Structure takes following form:
struct class
cahr name;
int marks;
float sbuject[3];

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / tsering dolma

array is collection of same data.
structure is collection of hetogenous data

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / tsering dolma

1. Array is collection of homogenous data and
structure is collection of hetogenous data

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / shiva

arry is derived data type,
structure is user defined data type

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / adilakshmi

Array elements are homogeneous type.
Structure elements are different data type.
Array is the pointer to the first element.
Structure is not a pointer.

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / chaudhary paresh

- Array elements are homogeneous. Structure elements are of
different data type.
- Array allocates static memory and uses index / subscript
for accessing elements of the array. Structures allocate
dynamic memory and uses (.) operator for accessing the
member of a structure.
- Array is a pointer to the first element of it. Structure
is not a pointer
- Array element access takes less time in comparison with

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / viji

array is the collection of same data items are declare under
common name

structure is the collection of different data items are
declare under different name which are accessed under common

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / monishasyed

Array is same data type
it can not bit field
it has the base pointer
structure is the different data type
it can bit field
it has the poiter

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / dhivya

when we are declaring an array a variable is enough with
the size.
when we are declaring structure it contain different data

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what is difference between array and structure? ..

Answer / kirankumar

Array is used to represent a group of data items that
belongs to the same type or kind.
int a[5];
i.e a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3],a[4].
all a values are integer types.

If we want to represent data items of different types using
a single name is called strucute.
Ex:struct book
char title[20];
int pages;
float price;

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