write a query to Find the Maximun second value in table?

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write a query to Find the Maximun second value in table?..

Answer / ruchi

you can use following query
select max(sal) from emp where sal<(select max(sal) from

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write a query to Find the Maximun second value in table?..

Answer / tulasi

select * from emp x where 2=(select count(distinct sal)
from emp y where x.sal<=y.sal);

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write a query to Find the Maximun second value in table?..

Answer / kd

select sal
(selec sal, row_number () over (order by sal desc nulls
last) as rnk
where rnk = 2;

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write a query to Find the Maximun second value in table?..

Answer / smriti

select salary from(select rownum r,salary from details
order by salary desc)where rownum<2 and salary<(select max
(Salary) from details)

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write a query to Find the Maximun second value in table?..

Answer / kavita

select max(sal) from emp where sal not in (select max(sal)
from emp)

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