What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are
using Basket or paddle in dissolution.

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / maulik

paddle and baskets are the different type of the apparatus
used in dissolution to find the drug release.

generally, baskets are used for capsule or ur tablet
flotting in media. paddle can be used for all. some times
paddle is also used in the capsule and flotting tablets by
using sinker to achieve appropriate result

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / dhiraj kumar

Generally we are using basket in those tablets in which HPMC is using as a binder because if HPME will come to contract with water then it will show sticky correcter and the tablet in which HPMC is used as a binder will get swell and stick with vessel and drug is not release because tablet will not move properly but in basket tablet is in the center of the vessel and so drug will release continue.

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / afan ahmad

paddle and Basket both are uesed for tablets and capsules

Generally we are using basket in those tablets or Capsules in which HPMC is using as a binder or sticky binder or sticky material used either stick lower side of vessel or side of vessel at top point

Result-Released of every Tablet or capsule in every vessel is totally different at different point or time ot interval
Paddle may use for Tablets or Capsules either floating with the help suitable sinker

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / devender

basket used to avoid hpmc contact to the vessels

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / rameshkunchala

Mainly difference between paddle used for more active drug and basket used in mainly low contain and capsule sr sustained release

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / krishnareddy

baskets are used for low average weight tablets&low active integrated tablets and also genitic coated tables

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What is the difference between Paddle and Basket Why we are using Basket or paddle in dissolution...

Answer / sadhu babu

Baskets are used for low average weight & low active ingredient tablet, high average weight tablets,low average weight tablets with sinkers are paddle used

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