what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???

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what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / dallasnorth40

++ before the variable increments the variable before the
value is taken/used.
++ after the variable takes/uses the value, then increments.

int x = 5;
int y = 0;

y = x++;
This will leave y = 5 and x = 6.

y = ++x;
This will leave y = 6 and x = 6.

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 3 No

what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / abhishek

This means if you declare the value for x=2 and used in
loop, while printing the value of ++x it will print 3 and if
used x++ then it will print 2 and then increment the value
for x and then next rotation it will print 3.
++x OR x++;
printf("value of " ++x OR x++);

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 3 No

what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / sailaxmi

++x is pre-increment

say for example
the value of a=1
int a,r;
r= ++a;

now the value of "a" is incremented to 2 n then assigned to r...

x++ is post increment
say for exmaple

the value of a is 3

int a,r;

the value of a(initially 3) will be assigned to r..... n
then the value of "a" gets incremented to 4.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / divya prabhu

++x means preincrement x, and then assign .
first increment x ==> x+1 and then assign the incremented
value back to x ==> x=x+1

x++ means postincrement x, and then assign .
first assign value of x to x==> x and then increment value of
x, x ==> x+1

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what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / chandrakant rohi

it means pre-increament ,before execute the x first it increment
Ex int x=10;

x++ means post_increament,first excute the statment and then increment ;
int x=10;
ans =10;

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what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / prabu

++x mean pre increament

printf("i value is=",i);
the output: i=1
x++ mean post increament
printf("i value is =",i);

the output: i=2

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what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???..

Answer / shaleen

their is not any difference betweem any two.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 29 No

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