void main()
int i,j=2;
cout<<"Lotus ";
cout<<"Rose ";
Its result is Rose Lotus Lotus.. How? Explain it?

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void main() { int i,j=2; for(i=0;i<3;i++) if(j=i) cout<<"Lotus "; else co..

Answer / nc

In the assignment operations...if the assigned value is 0
then it denotes false and for any other number 1,2,3...it
denotes true.So for i=0 i.e j becomes 0 means condition
becomes false so it displays Rose and for rest of the values
of i it displays Lotus.

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void main() { int i,j=2; for(i=0;i<3;i++) if(j=i) cout<<"Lotus "; else co..

Answer / pasha nitw

i think u confused at step 5
if(j=i) is different from if(j==i)
where as in if(j=i)
first i value assigned to j value for entire loop
then it cheks the expression.
according to this

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