Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out
whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime
find out its factors.

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Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or..

Answer / sumitgaur2010

using namespace std;
int main()
int i,n,num,p=1;
cout<<"enter the number";
else if(p==0)
cout<<"factors are";

Is This Answer Correct ?    30 Yes 19 No

Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or..

Answer / ram khilawan


int main()
int i,n,num,p=1;
cout<<"enter the number";
else if(p==0)
cout<<"factors are";

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 4 No

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