how many error occurs in C language ?

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how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / kawal

Errors may be compile time and run time. compile time
errors are the logical errors and syntax errors whic are
indicated by the compiler after the compilation errors. The
errors which occur after the copilation are runtime errors

Is This Answer Correct ?    103 Yes 30 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / guest

3 types of error occurs in c language ie syntax error,
segment error, and linking error.
syntax error and segment error occurs during compailation
and linking error occurs during runtime

Is This Answer Correct ?    58 Yes 28 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / jayasrinivas.donavalli

How can we say how many errors in C language,but Usually
Every Language has some errors like Syntaical and
Symantical Errors
Syntatical Errors are the error in the syntax like int x.
but here instead of semi colon we palce dot that is the
syntatical error.
Symantical Errors: The errors are in the symantics like If
is the keyword instead of that we write ef
then the meaning is changed that is symantical errors.
The above two errors are Compile time errors and we have
some runtime errors.They are due to some infinite loops
garbage collection or memory shortage or wrong Inputs

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 6 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / ramajayam

many types error in c language but commonly three types of
error first one syntax error means if any one create a
program in c language to write some codings at that time
the person declared a variable properly for ex:
he create a coding intx; no space in variable name and data
type at that he compiling the program system ask one error
in your program the error is syntax error in particular
line you will not declared properly.
second one logical error
logical error means some input function are output function
is typed wrong at that this type of error occur in your
program for ex: you type input function scan("");
this type of error is run time error

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 4 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / swapnil

3 errors syntax and segment during compilation and logical
during runtime

Is This Answer Correct ?    32 Yes 17 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / yuvaraj

Hi kalpana please read and understand the question properly
before answering the question,please dont be too smart.

Is This Answer Correct ?    25 Yes 11 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / arpit dhandhania

I think that the question is HOW many errors and not how many types of errors.
According to me the answer is 26
Because maximum of 25 errors are counted by the C compiler in any program and the 26th error is "TOO MANY ERRORS".

So the answer in 26...

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 13 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / sarath

1-Compilation error
a)syntax error
b)segment error
2-Runtime error
a)logical error
b)linking error

most f de people here are knowledge banks, i knw
but whats the use if u cant be specific to qs askd?
hope firther posts wud be answered precisly atleast like

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 5 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / abhinav

there are many types of errors in c

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 18 No

how many error occurs in C language ?..

Answer / ravi raj

Mainly there are 5 types of error that occur which are as :-
1.syntax error:- Error in syntax(gramer)of program.
2.semantic error:-Error in meaning of program.
3.logical error:-error in logic(logic and,or,not)which
compiler can not identify/check.
4.runtime error:-Error which occur due to insufficient of
memory, floating exception etc.
5.compile error:-Error that occur in compiling of program like
phrase error, in complete type, bad argument, can not locate
object etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

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