Testing Interview Questions
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how to download fullversion of JIRA(defect reporting s/w) s/w for free.can any provide web site for full version free download.


how to import specifically 2nd column elements to runtime datatable in excel sheet if it contains 3 columns


How Load Runner records the script? I mean How it generate the script?


1 5934

Hi all, Currently i have completed 2 years in Accenture@manual testing. i have ISTQB CTFl certification too. I have fair idea on J2EE programming too. I have basic knowledge on mainfreame testing and QTP also. So with these skills how much package will be offered if we opt to switch the company...Please suggest me folks


1 3261

What will be the testcase for a uniquely generated number in the application?? i mean to say is, how will i conform the application is generating a unique value.... please do answer...


"search"test cases on Linkedin website and how will you write test cases on it?


How is Release Management is done in STLC. What are tools can be used for the same.


1 4547

Positive and Negative Testing - Which one to do first and why ?

6 7742

What is a day's work in a QA Tester's life?

2 6636

In your company,does a different tester writes test cases & a different one executes them or a particular tester writes a set of test cases & executes them too?

2 3259

Is it a good idea to write in your resume that you wrote Test Plans,Test Cases & executed Test Cases, when you have actually only executed them,& have only knowledge of the others?

1 3266

Could you please give me an example of test scenarios for online banking testing (like billing,payment,statements etc.) (like how to test the functionalities of Payment module, Billing module...etc.)?


2 9412

Have you worked in UDAP (Credit Card act 2009) project?What did you test in Billing & Payment modules?


how to write test cases for sort drop down box containning 6 options in the drop down list.

3 23912

can one defect be mapped to more than one test script in manual testing


Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

How is an sql query executed in oracle 8?


How many types of graphs are available in loadrunner?


What is user acceptance testing (uat)?


Could reviews or inspections be considered part of testing?


How do we Test the C++ and Unix Application Using Automated Tool.


How QTP support all types of applications (platforms)?


How can new software qa processes be introduced in an existing organization?


Why is action split used by qtp?


What is difference between Bug resolution meeting & Bug Review Committee? Who are participants?


How to analyze results after playback?


How to use frame elements in Selenium on a page?


In qtp, explain what is crypt object


Tell me could cookies be deleted in selenium?


Please Check out and Answer the Questions in Networking section. It's argent.


Explain unit testing?