Testing Interview Questions
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My Application is a client server application , but there is one functionality , when we click on one particular icon it launches web browser . When I am recording in QTP , By select approprait web add in also , it not able to record in web page , I am able to record till click on the icon. Please provide me how to over come this type of problem.

2 5441

Hi Friends ... why need testing team again, develop team is also doing testing... it is nessesary testing team for a project...

13 11773

ive been looking for a junior tester job for quite some time now, but most company keep requisting for experienced staffs, but if i dont start from somewhere how do i get the experience


How to call .vbs funtion , Library files in QTP? plz Explain indetail(chandana)


6 14551

what r the verstions from 1st to present (verstions) of mercury tools (like winrunner,QTP,Loadrunner) ? Chandana

Mannar Company, Wipro,


How to call .vbs functions in QTP? plz Explain indetail


4 17031

How to call actions in QTP?


2 31724

if my application shows 100 records and in my database having 200 records how i can validate using QTP tool?plz exp. in detail?


2 4371

How to use library files in QTP? how we can call these files in to script?

Virtusa, Wipro,

4 12980

keep pen in u r hand and write negative test cases.


1 2894

what is test bed?


10 15316

Who will excatly assign the priority to the bug.. ...

5 6259

how to indentify memory leakages after the build


What is QA Life Cycle?Can anyone describe it?

4 6088

How do we run the database testing manually

2 5195

Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

Questions for role of a QC engineer at NDS,Bangalore 1st round is written 20 questions on aptitude and 10 question on testing Aptitude--problems on time and distance,tap problem,ages,time and work,probability, Testing 1.Difference Between QA & QC 2.Any 4 types of SDLC models with diagram. Also Pros and cons of each model 3.What is application Testing And embedded testing 4.Qualities of a good tester 5.Test cases for registering user. One field for user name,2 fields for password,"ok" and "cancel" button 6.What is a bug,explain Bug life cycle 7.Difference between priority and severity? 8.Some question on software design


Work flow in testing in your company?


What is the framework your company is following. What is the reason. Explain why key word driven frame work is chosen.


What are the segments of the android testing framework?


What is remote command launcher?


How to record & run on japanese language application using english version of ibm?


negative test cases on banking domain ?


what is system testing? as test eng, what do u do in sys testing? who invoves in sys testing?


Hi i am looking for Test Engineer Job, i have done the course, but i don't have work experience on it, Is it So important to have real time Exp or knowledge is enough? and please let me know like how i can improve for the interview. You can send me a mail on this id: rashmi_vastred@yahoo.co.in


hey friend...I want some question of mobile testing. which are asking in interview..if any one have question paper then please send me on "balajipatra@gmail.com". I will very thankfull to those person who will give me some thing......Thanks.


For example you are checking bit map check point before coming to the results. How can you say it is passed? Or failed? Anyways?


i need manual testing interview questions for 2+ experience plzz help me..


when u script reveiwing in which area u more concentrates?


wat if fiddler and how it is used in tesing an application. please explain with a real time scenario


How you debug your script?