Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How should I get results when I run scripts in a Batch mode


1 3709

Do you know any kind of matrix ?

4 4832

Tell me a critical defect in which your Client,PM,PL appreciate on you


Why tester called as Bug and Dev.called as a Defect Why?Is there specific reason behind it.

2 4077

Define the bug life cycle?

MD Synergy,

3 19249

define the testing technique?

MD Synergy,

4 15016

1)What is the main difference between web based application and windows based application ? 2)can anyone give me proper example of high severity and low priority ,low severity and high priority , both are high and both are low ?

2 8553

For Editing functionality: If there are 10 fields on survey form.User can edit anything from theese 10 fields. User can edit only first field or he can edit 3 fields at a time or can edit all 10 fields at a time or can edit 1 field of one survey form, 2nd field of 2nd survey form, 3rd field of 3rd survey form etc. upto 10th fields or nothing will edit & close the form . My question is --> I have to write test cases for above all scenarios? Let me know it's urgent.

1 3420

How much experience do we have to become a QA? What are the responsibilities of QA?

Vistar Tech,

2 4296

what is target user?

1 3166

I am doing manual testing for one website application. Ihave prepared bug tracking report and test case report. here after any other additional report will need to perform, can u tell me

2 3668

I have multiple radio buttons i need to select a radio buton and i dont want to hard code i have a generic function for it there i have used select#0 so it selects first radio button but for other script i want to select the 4th radio button how i can make it still more generic

Accenture, Acentia, LM,

4 34045

how i can delete the excel process for the task manager using QTP

2 10847

how to disable the pop ups through QTP using a script


What is different command used in command Prompt while using QTP?


Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

What are the differences between jbehave and cucumber?


Anyone aware of Test Runner (ETL Automation Testing tool) if so please help me with material in keerthi.smile14@gmail.com


Can you do without a framework?


What is exact meaning of Database Checkpoint in QTP 9.2 and what are the different types of the database check points?


Sentence "Working from onsite is effective" is growing in IT field. How do we bring that knowledge to offshore and do an effective job in Offshore?


Describe function procedure in vbscript.


Tell me some key points to consider while writing a bug report.


Can someone help to write testcase for the scenario as early as possible.: 1. Complaint logged since one week 2. complaint info sent to supervisor with high priorit mail 3. 10 users logged into website , performance could not be degraded ( response within 5 seconds) 4. site should be user protected. 5. it should be work with IE 6 IE 7 6. complaint log should be generated more than one week


What is the meaning Work bench?


What is tree view in automation testing?


how will we change the server system time?


Why should you care about objects and object-oriented testing?


List the five essential types of test steps?


What is path analysis?


What is the strategy used to test new mobile app?