Testing Interview Questions
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How do we do "cookie Testing" in web based testing. what we check in that testing,anybody can explain in detail. Thanks in advance.


2 6888

What is "Cache Memory". How and What we have to check in Cache Memory during Web based application testing.


1 4503

Is there any MS Access addin in QTP?

7 10714

How to plan the time estimations for QA cycle ?

2 4973

Dim ExcelSheet Set ExcelSheet = CreateObject("Excel.Application") excelsheet.application.visible = true ExcelSheet.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "This is column A, row 1" ' Save the sheet. ExcelSheet.SaveAs "C:\DOCS\TEST.XLS" ' Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object. ExcelSheet.Application.Quit after run this script i am getting error"The test cannot continue due to unrecoverable error"

3 26635

Why we use Excell sheet not the Microsoft Word to write test cases and all? Why ?

3 5734

Any one can tell me what is the process to do the Loadrunner certification and what is cost for it and also where would I get the material for Preparation of Loadrunnner for certification.


1 2338

what is traceability Matrix??


6 7333

hi i have 4 yrs exp in manual and automation testing using QTP i need sample resumes plz can u send this mail id pbre1980@gmail.com


you written some code in qtp for opening google.com browser and entered some text inthe search text box and clicked search button. this is ur script.. before running this script i have already opened two google.com browsers. now am running the script what will happen? script will run or what?? Thanks... Nani


4 17923

what is the use of descriptive programming in QTP ? when we need to use DP? can we test the application completely with out useing DP?? please explan with example

2 5702

define SOA?

2 6826

how to write a testcase for coke vewnding machine

1 5134

how to search a Unix file system in Google search engine??? write the test cases foe that one???what will be the step


How do we find pass and fail percentage of Test cases. Anybody can give answer to me. Thanks in advance

HCL, Satyam,

2 26142

Un-Answered Questions { Testing }

What are the differences between open source tools, vendor tools, and in-house tools?


How to insert a comment in selenium ide?


What if the project isn’t big enough to justify extensive testing?


What is boundary testing?


Write a test case on a durability of an electric bulb and test it that it will last for next 10 months.


What is an automated test script?


What is the purpose of the temp GUI map file?


Hi Can any one tell wht type of questions will be asked in project manager round...urgent plz...


What is Batch testing? Facets Benefit Configuration


What is Dynamic xpath in selenium ?


How do we analyze the checkpoint results?


Test report?


What are the important steps for testing jdbc request?


can you tell me how to write test cases for payments, receipts, inward clearing, outward clearing, A/c statements ?


What are the different ways in which selenium ide can be opened?