Organic Chemistry Interview Questions
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How many stereoisomers of phenylpropylene oxide are there?


1 5866

How many isomers have the name bromomethylcyclopentane?

5 11810

Pure (S)-2-butanol has a specific rotation of +13.52 degrees. A sample of 2-butanol prepared in the lab and purified by distillation has a calculated specific rotation of +6.76 degrees. What can you conclude about the composition?

1 5773

Trimethylamine is a pyramidal molecule. What is the hybridization at nitrogen?


5 16502

which functional groups are present in cortisone?

2 22842

How many degrees of unsaturation are there in benzene?

2 11806

What are the major products formed when acetic acid and ethanol are added to water and the pH is adjusted to 7.0?

3 5625

What organic compounds have the basic formula (CH2O)n?

8 76954

What kind of bonds link amino acids?

7 9066

How many different types of carbon signals would be observed by 13C-NMR?

4 7143

Which are the longest living cells in the body?

3 13084

what is I.R.

6 18315

What Is The Composition Of Benedict's Solution


3 52627

what is the chemical composition of trommer's test?

BMG, Reddy Labs, Vimta Labs,

1 9540

What are acounting Pi electron's?

Fertilizers, IGCAR,


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Un-Answered Questions { Organic Chemistry }

Which one of the following is not aromatic?


What is use of acetonitrile compare to methanol in RP-HPLC Method development?


wtat type quations will be sak in ongc exam?


Assuming that the density of the solution is the same as the density of water (density of water=1.000g/ml), calculate the mass of water for both reactions using: mass of water = Volume of water Density of water. Mass of water =


What is a proteic unit?


How does Actinium contribute to our understanding of nuclear structure and properties, and what experiments or studies have been conducted to explore this aspect?


Discuss the role of Protactinium in accelerator-driven systems and its potential for transmutation of nuclear waste.


why we need to synthesize impurities of midazolam


Is napthalene aromatic?


Can we consider in purity angel


In what ways can Actinium be used in conjunction with other elements or compounds to create new materials or compounds with specific properties?


Protactinium-233 is used in the thorium fuel cycle. Explain how this cycle operates and its potential benefits in nuclear energy production.


Protactinium-231 emits alpha particles. How can this property be utilized in radiation detectors or other scientific instruments?


why in uv calibration in Limt of absorbance parameter specific absorbance is calculated only for selected wavelength


What is a repartition coefficient?