Organic Chemistry Interview Questions
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In describing structure of benzene, by molecular orbital treatment, either MOT or VBT explains its structure?

2 4780

What is conjugated system?

3 4612

What is the mechanism for sulphonation of benzene by oleum?

1 6469

What is the structure of CO2 and CO?

Aptuit Laurus, Eisai,

4 7182

What is the effect of halogen on reactivity of benzene ring and what is the reason for decreasing reactivity?

3 6444

What are the least number of pi electrons possible in an aromatic compound.

3 5082

What is difference between anti-aromatic and non-aromatic compounds?

5 19909

Which organic compound is used as a fuel in jet air crafts? a. 100 octane b. 90 octane c. Kerosine oil d. Diesel oil

4 6186

What is organic metal?


2 5981

15% Naoh molarity in a given 1liter of soluton

2 7567

how to make a 100ml solution with given 10gm of naoh

Calyx, CCIL,

6 7814

What is the difference between PVC and uPVC plastic?

4 7498

How we can differentiate between oxalic acid and tartaric Acid?

5 12650

what Mean By Organic Chemistry

3 4929

we shall use Dichloromethane in last stage of API.



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Un-Answered Questions { Organic Chemistry }

Actinium is part of the actinide series. Could you explain the significance of this series and its placement in the periodic table?


Actinium has potential applications in cancer treatment. Could you elaborate on how Actinium-225 is used in targeted alpha-particle cancer therapy?


As a chemist working with Actinium, what safety precautions and protocols would you follow due to its radioactive nature?


I need organic mixture analysis viva questions & answers


How does Actinium interact with other elements, and what are some notable chemical reactions or compounds involving Actinium?


what are the checklist need to maintain in API manufacturing area as per USP requirements.......?


Actinium is often considered a rare and scarce element. How does its rarity impact its industrial uses and research purposes?


why in uv calibration in Limt of absorbance parameter specific absorbance is calculated only for selected wavelength


How does Protactinium contribute to our understanding of Earth's history and the behavior of elements in natural systems?


seminal on pyrimidine


What is a proteic unit?


What are acounting Pi electron's?


Explain the process of protactinium-uranium fractionation and its implications for understanding geological and geochemical processes.


discuss the diffrent types of chromatography and their uses. In not more than 10 papers oc not less than 8 papers


Why we are use glass viscometer, and what is calculation manual calculation formula as per USP. How many types of viscometre in glass type viscometer.