Bio Informatics Interview Questions
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How many grams of NaOH will react with 0.2 equivalent of HCl?

1 5080

If cos2A + cos2B + cos2C = 1 then ABC is which type of triangle?

2 7542

NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA



you had 1,500 base pair pieces of random DNA and you wanted to know how many of them had homology to known genes, what would you do to determine that?

2 3734

What is Cheminformatics?

6 8930

What is Mathematical Biology?

1 3270

What is Proteomics?

1 3178

What is Pharmacogenetics?

1 3843

What is PatternHunter?

1 3359

Why was the PatternHunter software program developed?

1 3043

How to compare two DNA sequences?

1 5253

How do you find repeats within one DNA sequence?

1 3740

How to compare a DNA sequence to itself by using it for both the 1st and 2nd sequence?

2 3572

What is the largest DNA sequence comparison achieved on PatternHunter?

1 2817

Exactly how fast is PatternHunter when comparing two DNA sequences?

1 3732

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Informatics }

How a cluster algorithm works?


What is a homologue?


What two possibilities are there to describe how gene fragments may have evolved?


An electron is injected into a region of uniform magnetic flux density with the components of velocity parallel to and normal to the flux. What is the path of the electron?


What are the main differences between parsimony,distance and likelihood-based algorithms?


Did shuffling of protein constituents occur between systems for multicomponent transport systems such as the atp-binding-cassette or complex protein secretion systems?


Is there is best online Training for Bioinformatics


A certain radioactive element A, has a half life = t seconds. In (t/2) seconds the fraction of the initial quantity of the element so far decayed is nearly how much?


What are oesophageal molecular markers?


What are the bioinformatic tools applied to micromolecular evolution?


What do you think are the more interesting areas of bioinformatics?


What is a DNA array?


How to Insert Genomic DNA into yeast ?


what is an active ? (UML)


Did integral membrane transport proteins arise as an independent protein class or from other types of proteins?