Databases Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is striped backup

Cap Gemini,


What are the method you will follow while sql installing

Mind Tree,


What is RMS migrations?



I hav 10 records only one column 1,2,3,4,5......10 now am writing query select max(column name) Then What is The Output

Brigade, Wipro,

9 8838

What is split brain scenario in DB mirroring?

1 10423

how to find the First and Last Observation from the table: Ex: OBS Name Sal Ans like: OBS Name Sal 105 E 5000--> 105 E 5000 102 B 2000 104 D 4000 103 C 3000 101 A 1000--> 104 D 4000

4 4830

Is it possible to update the multiple field values in a single query? If possible then write the actual query.


1 3748

Create table Employee ( Employee_Id varchar2(8) Constraint emp_id_pk primary key, FirstName varchar2(50), LastName varchar2(50), DeptID Number(5) Constraint dept_id_fk Foreign Key(DeptId) References Department(DeptId) ) Error I am getting: Constraint specification are not allowed here

2 5341

how to store only time in a data base table

2 4112

how to get the no employee in each department including the dept which has 0 employee

5 5446

hai i want to learn oracle apps and i want to put the fake exp of one year so could you please suggest me which is best institute in hyderabad to learn oracle with real time project experience?

2 5316

how to get only updated, deleted , inserted records after certain interval time in mysql with out using triggers...


how do we insert 100 records at a time in a table without using for loop in database

1 4232

What is the Difference between 1) ER MODEL and Relational Model 2) Dense Index and Sparse Index

1 6405

i need to know how i display department which has salary > =5000 for the below table Department ----------- salary deptname 1000 a 3000 a 2000 b 3000 b 4000 c 5000 c kindly send the query to

6 6001

Un-Answered Questions { Databases }

Is mongodb a json?


which types of join is used in sql widely? : Sql dba


What is union, minus and interact commands?


Define entity, entity type, and entity set.


How to create an inline table-valued function?


What is the syntax and use of the coalesce function?


What are Heap tables?


What is trigger explain with example?


Find nth lowest salary or get nth lowest salary?


List out the difference between union and union all in sql server?


Can an extended stored procedure be called from inside a user-defined function?


Can we insert delete data in view?


What will be the maximum number of index per table?


Explain what is table in a database?


3. Steps in UAT?