C++ Code Interview Questions
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write a program that can LOCATE and INSERT elements in array using c++ programming languages.


write a program that can locate elements in array.

1 5035

can you please write a program for deadlock that can detect deadlock and to prevent deadlock.


what is the diffrence between ++x , x++ pleaaaaase ???

7 14567

find level of following tree (state, parent) " J,D I,D H,C E,B F,B G,C B,A D,A C,A A,& K,E L,E L,F M,F N,G O,H P,I P,H Q,I R,J S,K U,P T,L


Here's the programm code: int magic(int a, int b) { return b == 0 ? a : magic(b, a % b); } int main() { int a, b; scanf("%d%d", &a, &b); printf("%d\n", magic(a, b)); return 0; } on input stream we have integers 4, 45 What's the output integer? How many times will be initiated "magic" function?

1 3313

1. Write a program that performs the following. The user inputs a number and then enters a series of numbers from 1 to that number. Your program should determine which number (or numbers) is missing or duplicated in the series, if any. For example, if the user entered 5 as the initial number and then entered the following sequences, the results should be as shown. Input Sequence Output ---------------------- --------------- 1 2 3 4 5 Nothing bad However, if 7 were the high number, the user would see the results on the right for the following number entries: Input Sequence Output ---------------------- --------------- 1 3 2 4 5 Missing 6 Missing 7 And if 10 were the high number and the user entered the numbers shown on the left, note the list of missing and duplicate numbers: Input Sequence Output ---------------------- --------------- 1 2 4 7 4 4 5 10 8 2 6 Duplicate 2 ( 2 times) Missing 3 Duplicate 4 ( 3 times ) Missing 9

1 12142

Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors.

ADP, Amazon, HCL, IBM, Infosys, Satyam, TCS, Vimukti Technologies,

5 14983

Write an algorithm that receives a string and reverses it.

2 4802

What will be the output- for(i=1;i<=3;i++) { printf("%d",i); continue; i++; }


5 18481

write a program that accepts a number and outputs its equivalent in words. take note that the maximum input is 3000


1 15801

swap prog


3 5138

Write a program that takes a 3 digit number n and finds out whether the number 2^n + 1 is prime, or if it is not prime find out its factors.

TCS, Vimukti Technologies, Wipro,

3 8903

write a function -oriented program that generates the Fibonacci, the current numbers of n(as input) and display them (series). In Fibonacci, the current third number is the sum of the previous number.

3 8212

write a function – oriented program that calculates the sum of the squares from 1 to n. thus, if the input is 3, the output is 14

3 13396

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U hv to enter a range from a and b and search hw many no. of times a pattern n. occurs between the range a and b. Eg :i/p:enter range :0 100 Enter pattern: 13 o/p: the no. times 13 occurred betwwn 0 to 100:1 Eg :i/p:enter range :100 1000 Enter pattern: 13 o/p: the no. times 13 occurred betwwn 100 to 1000: (in this 13,113,131,132,133…139,213,313,…913 all these will be counted)


Implement a command console for changing settings on a particular object. The command console should allow you to enter a string and will return the response (very similar to a terminal session). The commands are as follows: SET propertyname=newvalue will change the target object’s member named “propertyname” to have a value equal to “newvalue”. If the input value is incompatible (i.e. an int being set to a string), print out an appropriate error message. GET propertyname will print out the current value of the target object’s member named “propertyname”. GET * will print out a list of all target object members and their current values. The system should be extensible for future commands and should accept an arbitrary object, such that another developer could insert another object into the system and rely on the command console to get and set the properties correctly.


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and displays the global TIMEZONE.


Ask the user to input three positive integers M, N and q. Make the 2 dimensional array of integers with size MxN, where all the elements of I (I = 1,…,M) line will be members of geometrical progression with first element equal to the number of line (I) and denominator q.


i don't know about working of nested for loop can any one help me


Write a C++ program without using any loop (if, for, while etc) to print prime numbers from 1 to 100 and 100 to 1 (Do not use 200 print statements!!!)


How to Split Strings with Regex in Managed C++ Applications?


Write a (n) algorithm that sorts n distinct integers, ranging in size between 1 and kn inclusive, where k is a constant positive integer. (Hint: Use a kn-element array.)


how to take time as input in the format (12:02:13) from user so that controls remains between these columns?


What output does this program generate as shown? Why? class A { A() { cout << "A::A()" << endl; } ~A() { cout << "A::~A()" << endl; throw "A::exception"; } }; class B { B() { cout << "B::B()" << endl; throw "B::exception"; } ~B() { cout << "B::~B()"; } }; int main(int, char**) { try { cout << "Entering try...catch block" << endl; A objectA; B objectB; cout << "Exiting try...catch block" << endl; } catch (char* ex) { cout << ex << endl; } return 0; }


Given a table of the form: Product Sold on A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 1/1/1980 A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 2/1/1980 A 2/1/1980 There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u. Write the program to display the result as: Product Month No. of copies A January 12 A February 15 A March 27 B January 54 B February 15 B March 10 C January 37


create a stucture student containing field for roll no,class,year and marks.create 10 student annd store them in a file


what mean void creat_object?in public class in this code class A{ public: int x; A(){ cout << endl<< "Constructor A";} ~A(){ cout << endl<< "Destructor A, x is\t"<< x;} }; void create_object(); void main() { A a; a.x=10; { A c; c.x=20; } create_object(); } void create_object() { A b; b.x=30; }


develop a program to calculate and print body mass index for 200 employees


how to write a program that opens a file and display in reverse order?