C++ Code Interview Questions
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Given a table of the form: Product Sold on A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 1/1/1980 A 1/1/1980 B 1/1/1980 C 2/1/1980 A 2/1/1980 There are 30 products and 10,000 records of such type. Also the month period during which sales happened is given to u. Write the program to display the result as: Product Month No. of copies A January 12 A February 15 A March 27 B January 54 B February 15 B March 10 C January 37



hello friends, given an expression we have to remove the unwanted brackets in that expression. Eg : (a+b) ---> a+b (a+b)*(c)-----> (a+b)*c. Please mail me if you know the logic. My mail id is : saravana6m@gmail.com. Thank you in advance :-)

GrapeCity, Microsoft,

1 7577

program to find the magic square using array

1 13653

how to write a program that opens a file and display in reverse order?



using repetition structure. Write a c program that will accept five numbers. The program should count and output the total count of even numbers and total count of add numbers.

2 9175

write a c program, using for loop, that accepts and odds two numbers. The output must be the sum and the addens. This should be repeated 5 times while the first number is decremented by one and the second number is incremented by 1.

IBM, Infosys,

2 8083

what is virtual constroctor ? give an exam for it?-(parimal dhimmar)

2 5501

how to take time as input in the format (12:02:13) from user so that controls remains between these columns?


Hello, I am trying to write a program in c++ which accepts month and year from the user and prints the calender. So please tell me the algorithm and what is the calender logic.


how to find out the maximum number out of the three inputs.

ABC, Apple, C3I, HP, TCS,

6 21440

#include //main() //{ class A { friend class B; public: void read(); }; class B { public : int a,b; }; void A::read() { cout<<"welcome"; } main() { A x; B y; y.read(); } In the above program......, as B is a friend of A B can have access to all members,i cant access y.read . could you please tell me the reason and what would i code to execute this program?

2 5572

1.program to add any two objects using operator overloading 2.program to add any two objects using constructors 3.program to add any two objects using binary operator 4.program to add any two objects using unary operator


2 22962

Implement a command console for changing settings on a particular object. The command console should allow you to enter a string and will return the response (very similar to a terminal session). The commands are as follows: SET propertyname=newvalue will change the target object’s member named “propertyname” to have a value equal to “newvalue”. If the input value is incompatible (i.e. an int being set to a string), print out an appropriate error message. GET propertyname will print out the current value of the target object’s member named “propertyname”. GET * will print out a list of all target object members and their current values. The system should be extensible for future commands and should accept an arbitrary object, such that another developer could insert another object into the system and rely on the command console to get and set the properties correctly.

ABC, Guidance Software,


We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the following conditions.. a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit. b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters c) length should be b/w 5-12. d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11 123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character


A string of charaters were given. Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character. eg.: INPUT: AEGBCNAVNEETGUPTAEDAGPE OUTPUT: E

1 11170

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Un-Answered Questions { C++ Code }

write a program that creates a sequenced array of numbers starting with 1 and alternately add 1 and then 2 to create the text number in the series , as shown below. 1,33,4,6,7,9,............147,148,150 Then , using a binary search , searches the array 100 times using randomly generated targets in the range of 1 to 150


create a stucture student containing field for roll no,class,year and marks.create 10 student annd store them in a file


write a program to calculate the amount of investment after a period n years if the principal investors was p and interest is calculated using compound interest,formular=a=p(1+r)^n


What output does the following code generate? Why? What output does it generate if you make A::Foo() a pure virtual function? class A { A() { this->Foo(); } virtual void Foo() { cout << "A::Foo()" << endl; } }; class B : public A { B() { this->Foo(); } virtual void Foo() { cout << "A::Foo()" << endl; } }; int main(int, char**) { A objectA; B objectB; return 0; }


Question 1: Implement a base class Appointment and derived classes Onetime, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. An appointment has a description (for example, “see the dentist”) and a date and time. Write a virtual function occurs_on(int year, int month, int day) that checks whether the appointment occurs on that date. For example, for a monthly appointment, you must check whether the day of the month matches. Then fill a vector of Appointment* with a mixture of appointments. Have the user enter a date and print out all appointments that happen on that date. *This Should Be Done IN C++


Performance Algorithm A performs 10n2 basic operations and algorithm B performs 300 lg n basic operations. For what value of n does algorithm B start to show its better performance?


write a program to convert temperature from fa height into celcius and vise versa,use modular programming


Code for Easily Using Hash Table?


Write a program that print in screen a tree with its height taken from user by entering number of 4 digits and find the odd numbers then calculate the sum of odd numbers so he get the height of tree?


output for printf("printf");


We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the following conditions.. a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit. b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters c) length should be b/w 5-12. d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11 123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character


write a program to perform generic sort in arrays?


Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.


Write a C++ program without using any loop (if, for, while etc) to print prime numbers from 1 to 100 and 100 to 1 (Do not use 200 print statements!!!)


Ask the user to input three positive integers M, N and q. Make the 2 dimensional array of integers with size MxN, where all the elements of I (I = 1,…,M) line will be members of geometrical progression with first element equal to the number of line (I) and denominator q.