1.program to add any two objects using operator overloading
2.program to add any two objects using constructors
3.program to add any two objects using binary operator
4.program to add any two objects using unary operator

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1.program to add any two objects using operator overloading 2.program to add any two objects using ..

Answer / vikas

/*Program to add two object using operator overloading */
/* vikas */


class Stadd
char p[20];

void set(char *k)
Stadd operator+(Stadd c)
Stadd l;
return l;
void display()
cout<<"The string is = "<<p;

void main()
char m[]="vikas";
char n[]="kumar";
Stadd ws,wt,wu;

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1.program to add any two objects using operator overloading 2.program to add any two objects using ..

Answer / raj

Create a class called 'time' that has three integer data
members for hours, minutes and seconds, define a member
function to read the values, member operator function to add
time, member function to display time in HH:MM:SS format.
Write a main function to create two time objects, use
operator function to add them and display the results in
HH:MM:SS format.

class time
int h,m,s;
void read();
void print();
time operator+(time t2);
void time::read()
cout<<"\nEnter hour,minutes and seconds\n";
void time::print()
cout<<"\nTime is-> "<<setfill('0')<<setw(2)<<h;
time time::operator+(time t2)
time t;
return t;
void main()
time t1,t2,t3;
cout<<"\nTime1+ Time2:\n";

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