Programming Languages Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is the use of volatile keyword in c++? Give an example.

1 492

In how many ways we can initialize an int variable in C++?

1 599

What are C++ inline functions?

1 567

What do you mean by internal linking and external linking in c++?

1 761

How many storage classes are available in C++?

1 669

What is 'Copy Constructor' and when it is called?

1 598

What is realloc() and free()? What is difference between them?

1 512

What is difference between shallow copy and deep copy? Which is default?

1 521

What are virtual functions and what is its use?

1 532

What do you mean by pure virtual functions in C++? Give an example?

1 608

How to create a pure virtual function?

1 742

Why pure virtual functions are used if they don't have implementation / When does a pure virtual function become useful?

1 535

What is virtual destructors? Why they are used?

1 514

What you mean by early binding and late binding? How it is related to dynamic binding?

1 540

What is meant by reference variable in C++?

1 534

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Languages }

Why is oop better than procedural?


What is a program flowchart and explain how does it help in writing a program?


What are the differences in xrange and range?


Tell me what is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()?


Which is a perfect example of runtime polymorphism?


Why c is called top down?


What is the best seo plugin for wordpress?


In C++ what is a vtable and how does it work?


How can I change what appears between categories when I post in more than one category?


What is inside __ init __ py?


what is d main diff between the java and .net framework


In Joomla how you can change the images in your template?


What are model factories?


Explain how you can start the r commander gui?


What are different types of Print Functions available in PHP?